15+ Cool Vintage Photos That People Were Surprised to Find in Their Family Albums

year ago

We meet about 10,000 people during our lives on average, according to researchers. That seems like a lot, even though we certainly can’t remember all of those folks, and far not everybody impacts our lives. So, who knows, maybe you’ve met someone who became famous already after you’ve forgotten the encounter.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything found some pics of people who have proof they’ve met a celebrity to motivate you to go through your old family albums. Don’t miss our bonus at the end of this article.

1. “Elvis asked out my great aunt (on the right) but grandma didn’t let her go. Sometime in the late 1950s, early 1960s.”

2. “My uncle with Sophia Loren (the 60’s or 70’s). He swears that she asked him to take a picture together and asked him to lunch!”

3. “My neighbor hanging with Adam Sandler in 1985”

4. “My dad (right), hanging with Clint Eastwood. The mid-1980s at Cannes Film Festival.”

5. “My aunt with Angus Young in the early ’80s. This was taken after she went out on stage with AC/DC.”

6. “My cousin (left) befriended Robert De Niro in the ’70s. This is them together in my cousin’s house, circa 1981.”

7. “My grandfather and Chris Cornell, 1993”

8. “Me as a kid and Muhammad Ali in the late ’70s”

9. “My dad in the ’90s when he worked for Iron Maiden as head of security.”

10. “My grandma knew Burt Reynolds in the ’80s and ’90s. They both lived in Florida and she adored him.”

11. “My dad and Tom Hanks in high school in the ’70s, and then later in the ’90s”

12. “My great uncle hanging out with Paul Newman and Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf (1988).”

13. “1977 — My Uncle (right) on set with Barry Gibb (Left)”

14. “My mother-in-law photobombing Dustin Hoffman after a play in Baltimore in October 1968”

15. “My extremely southern aunt and her friends with Robin Williams in the ’80s in Nashville. He is not impressed.”

16. “My grandma visited Bob Ross’s store. He came out the back and spent the next hour chatting with her in 1992.”

Bonus: “My mom’s ex-boyfriend looks like Dwight Schrute from The Office.”

Have you or your family ever hung out with a celebrity? Who would you most like to meet?


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