15 Men Who Prove That a Beard Is More Effective Than Plastic Surgery

year ago

A beard is more than just facial hair — it’s a statement. Some men believe that it enhances their appeal, while others disagree. Regardless, it’s undeniable that it can transform a person’s look entirely. The individuals featured in this article were taken aback by their beards’ influence on their appearance and chose to share their journey with the world.

1.“My first beard — I’m never going clean-shaven again!”

2. “Fully recovered from alopecia.”

3. Clean shaven vs 6-month beard

4. “Only for the joy of growing it again.”

5. “My first time ever growing out my facial hair. Just turned 28 and shaved regularly. Now I’m 7 weeks into this and everyone seems to like it.”

5. “Exactly 4 years apart.”

6. “The main thing about having the beard is just the confidence it gives me! It makes me feel 10 feet tall.”

7. “3 years since my last haircut.”

8. “Time inverted my hair,”

9. He looks like a totally different person.

10. “I feel somewhere in between Zeus and a hobo.”

11. This man went from Harry Potter to Dumbledore real quick.

12. “I began to grow it in February.”

13. “I finally hit 50 pounds down and decided to try a beard out for the first time.”

14. “Isn’t is amazing how chopped wood shows up in the background after you grow a beard?”

15. “3 month beard journey complete.”

Preview photo credit p0larAQW / Reddit


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