15 People Whose Lives Took Such a Remarkable Turn That Soap Opera Writers Would Applaud

In the course of our daily routines, we encounter peculiar, unexplained phenomena. These enigmatic discoveries might leave us a bit bewildered, but luckily, the vast online community is filled with knowledgeable individuals always eager to offer the right explanations, putting our minds at ease.
Answer: You know the dowel part of a toilet paper holder? These used to be plastic ones full of vents, kind of like old-lady hair curlers, and they were full of these potpourri beads.
Answer: Bookmarks! Put them over the corner of the page, words facing the page you’re on, to mark your spot
Answer: It’s a flower frog, used to hold a flower arrangement in a vase. Made obsolete by foam and gels.
Answer: It is a Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder. You place a strip of card into one set of grooves in the piece that curves behind the sphere, point the opposite side of the sphere towards the equator, and the sphere will focus the sunlight to burn a track on the card. The card has hours marked, and more the card is burnt, the brighter the sunlight was.
Answer: This is heartbreaking. The ring is worn as a mourning ring. It’s a Georgian/early Victorian ring whose initials belong to the lost loved one. They were typically made from gold (18k+) and enameled in black. It looks like yours was made around the 1820s-40s.
Answer: It’s an oil candle.
Answer: It’s a glass tube cutter! I used it many times in chemistry lab.
Answer: A lot of glassblowers turn their left-over bits into paperweights for sale, which is what these look like to me.
Answer: It’s a door bell.
Answer: Possibly used with a Singing Bell. You rub the stick lightly around the edge and the bell starts vibrating. You might have seen the same effect with glasses.
Answer: Looks like a paperweight used to keep stacks of papers from blowing off of the desk if there is a breeze. They are mostly used as decorations now.
Answer: It looks like a decorative tassel from a purse.
Answer: It’s a milking stool, 3-legged birthing style spinning chair. So basically, no special use.
Answer: It’s for holding a bedpan vertically, so that it can be cleaned out after use. The water pipe on the back of the toilet will have a fold-out sprayer for this purpose.
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