15 Stars Who Would Look Totally Different, But Equally Beautiful, If They Had Thin Lips

Surely, you’ve experienced that sensation while watching a movie, where you sense that something is off. If you decide to slow down the film or analyze the script with more focus, you’ll likely discover a plethora of intriguing details. On occasion, you may observe different takes cleverly combined, with actors wearing different clothes and makeup. In other instances, you might catch the characters’ actions defying basic logic.
In the airplane scene, Rick’s hair changes from one frame to the next, without him even putting his hands to his head to adjust it.
When Bella finds out she is pregnant, she and Edward return home. On the way to the airport, Bella calls Rosalie. However, when she turns on her cell phone, she doesn’t dial the number or even go into her contacts list. She simply puts the cell phone to her ear. The lock screen is visible even while the girls are talking.
Do you remember the start of the movie where the researchers find the legendary cruise ship that sank and opened the safe in one of the rooms? There, they find a portrait of a girl with a diamond necklace that looks a lot like the “Heart of the Ocean.” And now look at the difference between the portrait of Rose Jack drew in the movie and her portrait we see in the opening shots.
During the entire movie, Belle walks around without a hat. But the creators of the movie forgot that in the past, only women that didn’t respect the social norms walked like that.
It’s curious that all other women in the movie wear headscarves. And the women from the place Gaston and Defou were resting in didn’t wear anything on their heads. Maybe there was a reason why Belle was called strange? The story was written in 1740 where this social norm was still very much alive.
In the first shot, we see Kevin putting a red container with detergent into his basket. But when his bags tare on the way home, we see that he doesn’t have such a container. However, he uses that same red container later at home.
Also, look at how easy it is for the boy to carry the shopping bags. It seems that they are really light. But the containers should weight at least 3 pounds each!
Mark Watney stayed alone on Mars and found a Pathfinder that wasn’t functioning since 1997 and uses the transmitter to send a signal to Earth. How could a botanist use a 40-year-old device and connect it with modern wires? Look at the shot: all the connectors fit like a glove!
When Bethany is talking on the phone, the cup of coffee next to her is acting really weird. In different shots, its handle has very different positions. The camera shows very similar angles, first only a part of the table, then the entire table. But the character is talking on the phone and never touches the cup.
The main characters escape a lab where clowns are produced. During their journey, they are washed with water, they crawl through vent shafts, and climb rusty ladders. But when they are on the surface, their clothes are perfectly white. However, when the main characters reach the nearest town, their clothes become gray and dusty.
When Alice falls into the rabbit hole, a pendant on a short chain goes missing from her neck. In the shot when he looks down, it’s still there, but several seconds later, it’s gone. And it happens before she changes size! So, it couldn’t just slip off when her size changed.
When Jim meets Aurora, he tells her that the choice of meals on the ship is limited for him because he’s not a “golden level” passenger. But we have to ask: how could he visit expensive restaurants and use all the other perks for rich space researchers? The robots were supposed to tell him right away that he didn’t have enough money for such entertainment.
Look at the earrings of the vampire Alira. During her tense conversation with Anna, they appear and disappear. It seems that different takes were stitched together here.
Insulted, Mary splashes her glass right into Sherlock’s face. At first, the hair next to his forehead is dry and several seconds later, it’s wet. And the position of the drops and water strains is different on his cheek.
During the Tribute Parade, the viewers through flowers at the passing chariots. But when the chariots reach the balcony where President Snow is, you can clearly see that the road they took is perfectly clean.
There’s a noticeable inconsistency with Kat’s blanket. It repeatedly switches from having the white side up to the black side up as the camera transitions between wide shots and close-ups.
It’s nearly impossible to find a movie or TV series without a single mistake, and many of them are attributed to costume designers.