15 People Who Didn’t Let Their Age Difference Put the Brakes on Their Happiness

2 years ago

For many people, age isn’t an issue when meeting a possible partner, but instead, they concentrate on other things. This might include things like thier educational background, personality, values, and interests among other things. So, when they manage to find the perfect match for them, the age difference is nothing to worry about.

Now I’ve Seen Everything believes that true love beats everything, even if it is a 30-year age gap.

1. “My boyfriend and I at a Seafood Restaurant. (24F / 54M)”

2. “I’m 26 and he’s 50. We’re happily married with a baby girl, together for 4 years.”

3. “My partner (47) and I (25) took a trip to Vegas for my birthday. I’m the happiest when I’m with him.”

4. “51 and 31, 6 years together, married for 2”

5. “My girlfriend (34) and me (24) celebrating our third anniversary”

6. “My hunky man (51) and me (23), I adore him so much!”

7. “17-year age gap”

8. “My partner and I went hiking. I’m 27 he’s 51. Best relationship I’ve ever had.”

9. “I (41) would call him (26) the man of my dreams, but the truth is I never could have dreamed of such an exceptional person.”

10. “I (24) met him (41), and when I said, ’You look like trouble, what do you want?’ He laughed and said, ’You.’”

11. “35 and 61 — I adore him.”

12. “16-year difference and we just celebrated our 12th year together.”

13. “15-year age gap, he’s my soulmate.”

14. “A few photos from my (28) husband (46) and my maternity photoshoot”

15. “Yesterday was my man’s 38th birthday! I (24) am so happy to have moved in.”

Do you think that a couple with at least 15 years age difference can make things work? Do you have any personal experiences to share?


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