15 People Who Feel Refreshed By Looking at Their Old Photos

year ago

Looking at the past is something most people enjoy, as it gives them a sense of certainty that the present isn’t able to offer. You already know what happened, how it happened, and how you felt during that time. There are no surprises left, and the good and pleasant memories are much stronger than the unpleasant ones.

Most of us cherish our past through old photos and Now I’ve Seen Everything has gathered 15 great examples of how people love taking strolls down memory lane.

1. “My mom in 1966 and today. Still rocking the same shirt 55 years later.”

2. “Grandpa thinks he’s being funny. Circa 1960”

3. “Recently found evidence that made me realize I peaked at the age of 4. Living my best life in 1993.”

4. “Me and my family doing what you did in the ’70s (1977)”

5. “My nickname was Cabbage Patch Kid for a super long time.”

6. “My mom dyeing my grandma’s hair in ’86 in California”

7. “I lost my mom a year ago today. Enjoy this picture of me trying to eat her face.”

8. “My dad and his beloved pet duck that he raised from an egg. 1994.”

9. “Me and my best friend Rocky watching TV, 1959”

10. “My grandma holding my mom, her first child of 7! Taken in 1958.”

11. “My dad and friends look like the cast of Stranger Things. (1982)”

12. “Me in the mid-’80s.”

13. “Me, my grandpa, and the dog settling in for a nap (California, 1974)”

14. “My boyfriend ruining the first of many hundreds of group photos in his lifetime (1990)”

15. “First day of kindergarten, 1986.”

How often do you look back at old photos? Do you miss the older days or do you feel thankful for everything that has happened in your life?

Preview photo credit smileybird / Reddit


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