15+ Pics That Told Us a Whole Story in One Shot

3 years ago

Some photographs are like storybooks — they contain little details that when put together, describe a full narrative. The facial expression of the subjects, the composition of the shot, and even the things around them, all contribute to the plot that the image is trying to convey.

Now I’ve Seen Everything collected 17 pictures that will entertain you with their funny and emotional storylines.

1. “Back home after morning walk...”

2. “Moments after Santa got kicked — Santa had a vasectomy last week. I’m Santa.”

3. “He’s crying because he’s not allowed to eat our food.”

4. “My dog hurt his foot while swimming. He is fine but he was pouting, so my cat decided to comfort him.”

5. “This boy is upset because he’s not tall enough to get on the carousel.”

6. “Our neighbor Betty just turned 100 years old. We got her balloons.”

7. “The photo says it all.”

8. “Our sick cat just came home from the vet. Came into the living room to find my partner watching her while she sleeps.”

9. “Took my brother who has autism out for ice cream for the first time in months.”

10. “My boy, sitting alone, kind of sad because his favorite swimming teacher didn’t show up...”

11. “This old picture of my dad from back in 1976”

12. “The clear juxtaposition just makes for an interesting photo.”

13. “My dog is not impressed with my son’s stamina after herding him for an hour.”

14. “We get by with a little help from our friends.”

15. Life with kids

16. “He’s done it! Finally cancer-free! I couldn’t be prouder!”

17. “This dog ate my neighbor’s food delivery.”

What was the most iconic photo you remember seeing and why? Do you also have a picture that “says it all?” Share it with us in the comment section.

Preview photo credit TheRoyalDon / Reddit


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