15 Side-by-Side Photos That Prove We’re Aging Very Differently Nowadays

2 years ago

We’re almost forgetting what natural aging looks like with all the cosmetic procedures and online filters that we have access to nowadays. And just by comparing stars from the past with today’s celebrities, we’d notice that there is a jaw-dropping difference in the way they look at the same age. And all this transformation makes us wonder what even more youthful 40 or 50 would look like decades from now.

1. Sophia Loren and Sofia Vergara, 47 years old

PETROSINO / SIPA / East News, Gilbert Flores / Broadimage / Broad Image / East News

Sun care has also been a game changer for aging. We spend less time in the sun & when we do, we cover our skin.


2. Gary Cooper and Liam Hemsworth, 31 years old

Metro Goldwyn Mayer/Collection Christophel/East News, face to face/FaceToFace/REPORTER/East News

3. Jayne Mansfield and Saoirse Ronan, 24 years old

East News, Invision / Invision / East News

People today look older, less innocent. Heavy makeup is not the answer.


4. Lauren Bacall and Margot Robbie, 29 years old

Screen Prod / Photononstop / East News, Invision / Invision / East News

5. Clark Gable and Patrick Dempsey, 56 years old

AF Archive/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News, Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News

Gable is still a handsome dude ... beats Dempsey hands down!! ... but then I've never seen the appeal in Dempsy anyway ... even in his heyday..


6. Doris Day and Zendaya Coleman, 26 years old

Cinema Legacy Collection/The Hollywood Archive/The/agefotostock/East News, Invision/Invision/East News

7. Ava Gardner and Kristen Stewart, 26 years old

East News, AFP / East News

Kristen Stewart could never reach that kind of classic beauty. Google Ava Gardner and see how gorgeous she really is I don't even like this picture.


8. Norma Shearer and Jennifer Lawrence, 27 years old

Courtesy Everett Collection/EAST NEWS, AFP/EAST NEWS

9. Jean Arthur and Kirsten Dunst, 39 years old

Courtesy Everett Collection/East News, Invision/Invision/East News

10. Bette Davis and Demi Moore, 58 years old

Courtesy Everett Collection/Everett Collection/East News, Invision/Invision/East News

Light skinned women who smoke get very bad wrinkles. We also need to factor in Demi's plastic surgerys. This one is probably just a wash


11. James Stewart and Jensen Ackles, 44 years old

AF Archive/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News, Berzane Nasser/ABACA/Abaca/East News

James Stewart had already been a pilot in a world war by this age ... & was a married man with children & expected to be 'responsible'! Men didn't use skincare either. Ahhh the changes that these years have given to the youth of today ... but give me James Stewart any day ... He's just a darned gorgeous 'man' ... like Clark Gable!


12. Katharine Hepburn and Natalie Portman, 40 years old

Courtesy Everett Collection/East News, Invision/Invision/East News

13. Louise Brooks and Maisie Williams, 21 years old

EAST NEWS, Invision/Invision/East News

Louise Brooks still looks like a 21 yo here .. or even younger, but that's just my opinion.


14. Irene Dunne and Rachel McAdams, 43 years old

AF Archive/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News, Collin Xavier/Image Press Agency ABACA/Abaca/East News

15. Joan Crawford and Emma Stone, 28 years old

East News, Chris Pizzello / Invision / AP / East News
Preview photo credit Screen Prod / Photononstop / East News, Invision / Invision / East News


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This one is all kind of silly, it's more about the different styles of makeup, hair and clothing The skin Care available is much more advanced these days let alone all the Botox injections.


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