20 Curious Objects That Are Hard to Believe

year ago

The more an object is peculiar looking, the more it fascinates us. Eccentric objects are so refreshing to look at, probably because they remind us that life isn’t all about perfection and rigor. After all, we all need to be surrounded by funky sights from time to time, in order to spice up our existence and get us through the routine of everyday life.

Now I’ve Seen Everything appreciates those designs that dare to be different and stand out because of their unique character. We’ve gathered a few pics that are guaranteed to add a zest of fun to your day.

1. ’’My brother’s dog and these slippers.’’

2. “Toefers”

3. The best hot dog to have on your arm

4. Barbie foosball table

5. “Eye toe eye”

6. “A chair made from 65 pairs of Yeezys”

7. ’’My snake shed nails.’’

8. “If anyone asks you to turn a mannequin head into a lamp...don’t.”

9. “Apparently, it can also swivel.”

10. Fun shoes

11. “A Bluetooth cat speaker at the swap meet”

12. Imagine having to wash this furry car.

13. “A foot stool”

14. “Have a seat on a saguaro (chair).”

15. “These lobster flip-flops I got”

16. A tennis ball chair — looks comfy, doesn’t it?

17. The most attractive guitar ever

18. Expensive wheel

19. “A metal shipping box sculpture”

20. ’’I saw this beauty in the parking lot today.’’

Have you ever discovered anything so eccentric yet perfectly made that brought up a mix of emotions?


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