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Making their owners gush is an ability every pet has from birth. But everything has a reverse side and, in some cases, a fluffy cute animal can look like a character from a horror movie in photos. The good thing is that instead of starting to panic, pet owners can grab their cameras and please the Internet with funny photos.
We at Now I’ve Seen Everything believe that all animals are wonderful. And if it can’t be spotted in a photo (because of bad lighting or the wrong angle), it’s just a bad-moment capture. After all, people don’t always appear perfect in photos — the pets from our compilation met the same destiny.
Any pet owner knows for sure what to pay attention to when buying a new phone — it’s important that the camera has a good amount of memory, otherwise, the new device won’t fit in all the pics of their cat or dog. We at Now I’ve Seen Everything are sure your phone is also full of pics demonstrating the dark side of your pet, just sitting there, waiting to be shown to the entire world. We at the editorial department are curious too. We’ll be waiting for your photos in the comments.