20 Pieces of Evidence Proving That Childhood Is a Real Game Without Rules

8 months ago

Children possess an untamed realm of imagination, creativity, and a knack for thinking beyond conventional boundaries. While adults often adhere to rules and needlessly complicate matters, these young prodigies unfailingly explore the world with fresh perspectives each day.

“When the headphones don’t quite fit.”

“I was so busy in the kitchen. My little brother asked me what he can do to help. I told him to get that bag of potato, peel half of them and boil. My little brother is a true genius.”

“My kid, changing the way you define lazy.”

“My little bother wearing gloves on his feet when walking in the woods because he left his shoes inside.”

“My son got some sheets of cardboard from school. This helmet was the result.”

“My son made a smile on his Lego Creeper, and when I asked him why he did that, he said, “Everyone deserves to be happy.”

“My 12-year-old son modified his bike with carpet for barefoot riding.”

“My 9-year-old daughter bedazzled our remote. It’s very pretty but quite challenging to find the button you need.”

“My 9-year-old cousin’s invention — I think he did good.”

“Probably doesn’t look like much to you guys, but my little brother (8) made me a cake for my birthday all by himself (17+3).”

“My son tells me he made a home theater...”

“This is how my son tracks positions during NASCAR...”

“According to his explanation, he was too lazy to open the bottle normal way.”

“Sister dumped all of the Parmesan into a bowl and is individually dipping each noodle.”

“My five-year-old daughter cut holes in her socks just in case her feet will get hot.”

Loving parents can always find a reason to be proud of their kids. Went to the potty — well done, made your first breakfast — great job, solved a math task — a little genius. But sometimes children do or say things that parents really don’t know how to react to — cry or laugh. And sometimes parents need to show all their possible creativity to their kids.

Preview photo credit GypsyCub / Reddit


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