8 Bizarre Taxi Tales That Will Make You Rethink Your Next Ride

2 days ago

Each of us occasionally takes a taxi. It’s during these rides that strange, funny, or even slightly frightening situations can occur. Whether it’s an unusual conversation with the driver or unexpected encounters along the way, these moments often become memorable stories that we share with friends and family.

  • Yesterday I got a taxi driver who was too talkative. Talked non-stop all the way. I was happy to get out of the car. And here I am at home, eating, and suddenly hear a phone call.
    I pick up the phone and there’s a man’s voice saying hello. It was that taxi driver! And he shamelessly says, “I haven’t told you the most interesting part of the story, listen...” I was stunned. © Палата № 6 / VK
  • In Washington, DC, I once hopped in a cab and gave the driver my hotel address. After an unusually long ride, I asked him if he knew where the hotel was, and he replied in a foreign accent, “Jyhes.” He kept driving, and finally, I realized he was driving in large circles.
    My suspicions were aroused, so I asked him if he understood English. Again, he replied, “Jyhes.” So I threw out a question, “When was the last time the Cleveland Guardians won a World Series?” Without fail, he answered, “Jyhes.” At the next red light, I hopped out and hailed another cab. © 2cartalkers / Reddit
  • One early morning, I booked a taxi to the airport. As we were driving, a well-known song came on the radio. I noticed the driver singing along, and soon I joined in.
    The driver turned to me and asked, “Should I turn it up?” I replied, “Yes, crank it up!” So, there we were, cruising down the highway with the windows rolled down, belting out the song together. It was like a duet!
  • So I ordered an Uber the other day. A few minutes later, I got a message, “Your car has arrived. White BMW.” At that point in my life, I was really strapped for cash, so I had specifically chosen the cheapest option. I assumed it would be some old, run-down BMW model, but when I stepped outside, there it was—a sleek new model BMW with a pristine leather and wood interior.
    The driver was dressed in a sharp suit, which made me think there had to be a mistake. I asked, “Is this going to 18th Street?” He nodded, “Yes.” Still skeptical, I asked, “Are you sure this is an economy ride?” The driver smiled and replied, “It’s the ’driver’s on a budget’ special. Hop in!”
  • Years ago in San Francisco, my family mostly got into one taxi except my dad and I. We hailed the next one, jumped in and yelled, “Follow that cab!!!!!” It was awesome, our driver thought it was hilarious and drove like a crazy person. © Good_parabola / Reddit
  • I was going to a party one day, riding in the backseat of a taxi with my mother.
    Me: *trying to apply eyeliner very carefully*
    The driver stops on the side of the road.
    Mom: “What happened?”
    Driver: “Let her apply the eyeliner. If she gets it wrong, she’ll give the ride a bad rating.”
    *Everyone laughs*
    5 stars to the driver. © Jahnvi Gupta / Quora
  • I was heading home one evening and asked the taxi driver if he could stop at the nearest shop for a quick break. I told him it would only take five minutes, just enough time for me to grab a few essentials. He agreed and pulled over near a convenience store.
    As I was about to step out of the car, he turned to me with a grin and said, “Hey, while you’re in there, could you buy me a doughnut too, please?” I was caught off guard for a second, but then I laughed and nodded. It wasn’t every day that a driver made such a casual, friendly request.
  • I ordered a taxi using a mobile app. I got into the car and said hello. The driver replied, “Good afternoon, Tory.” I asked surprised, “How do you know my name?” The driver replied that he also knew I was a nail technician. I froze. It turned out that he had a special program on his phone that identified how my phone number was recorded in contacts. © Tatiana Mardari

Here are stories from people who experienced the strangest job interviews of their lives.

Preview photo credit Палата №6 / VK


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