8 Celebrities Who Proudly Showed What It’s Like to Be a Mother After 40

2 years ago

Many people dream of having children and starting a family. Others already have a few, but they like them so much that they want to have more. However, for different reasons, some women did not get pregnant until they turned older. That happened to several celebrities who tried to conceive at an age in which it’s usually harder to have kids, but fortunately for them, the result was positive.

1. Meryl Streep (42 y.o.)


Meryl Streep is known for being one of the best actresses in all of Hollywood, but besides her professional work, Streep also built a lovely family. It consists of her son Henry and 3 girls: Mamie, Grace, and Louisa. Louisa is the youngest of the four siblings and was born in 1991 when Meryl was 42 years old.

2. Ivy Queen (40 y.o.)

At 40 years old, Ivy Queen, the queen of reggaeton, had a little daughter born in November 2013. The singer shared her affection for her firstborn on her Instagram: “My princess. Loving my Naiovy”.

3. Judy Reyes (42 y.o.)

When Judy Reyes was 42 years old, she and her husband, George Valencia, welcomed their daughter Leila Rey, who was born in November 2009. Like most mothers, Judy showed how proud she is of her firstborn: "She is fearless, smart, creative, funny, brilliant.

4. Nicole Kidman (43 y.o.)

MARCOCCHI GIULIO / SIPA / EAST NEWS, SNAPPER / bauergriffinonline.com / East News

Sunday and Faith are the daughters of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. Faith was born when the actress was already 43 years old. Nicole said that the advantage of being an older mother when raising her daughters is her patience and wisdom. Kidman has two more children with her ex-husband, Tom Cruise.

5. Natalia Streignard (46 y.o.)

My Sweet Fat Valentina’s star, actress Natalia Streignard became a mom for the third time at 46. Jacq Her youngest son is called Gianni, Jacques is her firstborn, and Gia is the only girl she has. Natalia mentioned that right now, she is a full-time mom.

6. Eva Mendes (42 y.o.)

Marksman / Snorlax / MEGA / Mega Agency / East News, Marksman / Snorlax / MEGA / Mega Agency / East News

Eva Mendes said that she worked hard for many years to afford to be a full-time mom to her two daughters later in life. She and Ryan Gosling became parents of Esmeralda. Two years later, the couple welcomed their second child, Amada Lee, when the actress was already 42 years old.

7. Mariah Carey (42 y.o.)

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon welcomed twins Moroccan and Monroe in 2011. “They’re too much, but they give me so much love in return. I wouldn’t be the same person without them,” Carey said. Carey and Cannon have also been open about how they raise their children to be humble: “It’s hard, but I try to keep them grounded so they don’t think everything is handed to them.”

8. Salma Hayek (41 y.o.)

Valentina Paloma Rinault Hayek is Salma Hayek and François Henri Pinault’s daughter. She was born in September 2007. The actress, now 55, shared a magazine cover with Valentina, who says she would like to be an “actress and director.” The piece appeared in the Mexican edition of Vogue magazine.

What do you think about parenthood after 40? What advantages and disadvantages do you think it has?


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