“He Looks a Bit Odd,” Brad Pitt’s New Youthful Appearance Has Puzzled People

2 months ago

60-year-old Brad Pitt is currently filming a new movie, and his appearance on set has sparked new rumors that the actor has undergone surgical procedures to achieve such a fresh and youthful look.


Stirring up buzz both online and at the F1 Grand Prix of Great Britain, Brad Pitt made a noteworthy entrance at Silverstone Circuit just a few days ago. He is there filming his upcoming Formula 1 movie titled “F1,” which is expected to be released on June 25, 2025.

Pitt is set to portray Sonny Hayes, a seasoned driver making a comeback to the F1 grid after a prolonged absence.


With a shorter haircut featuring light blonde color and dark roots, the 60-year-old actor looked striking in an all-white racing suit, which represents the fictional “APX GP” team.

Though he cut a handsome figure in his racing gear, onlookers couldn’t help but observe some notable changes in his appearance.

Xavier Collin / Avalon/Photoshot/East News, Domine Jerome/ABACA/Abaca/East News

If he has done anything medical to his appearance you can blame his ex-wife for all the trauma and anxiety she has caused with his children to make him even taking a step like this to begin with. She is an awful woman, I believe whole heartily she is behind everything with this breakup, but to use your children as pawns as she has done is despicable. I'm not saying he was a saint but.....


Once the videos surfaced online, fans were quick to gush over the handsome star, praising his good looks and forever youthful appearance. One fan noted, “Wow. He looks amazing,” while another observed that he “looks younger.” A third admirer wrote, “He looks really healthy now and younger.”

IMAGO/Xavi Bonilla/Imago Sport and News/East News, IMAGO/Xavi Bonilla/Imago Sport and News/East News

Many online users, however, believed that the Fight Club actor looks different. One Facebook user commented, “His face looks chubby with that hair, or something is different.” The actor’s chin was particularly questioned, with one person asking, “What is happening to his chin?” Someone noted, “He looked good last year. He looks a bit odd now.”

Earlier this year, the youthful appearance of the 60-year-old actor sparked rumors about a facelift. Cosmetic specialist Arun Narang shared his insights regarding Brad Pitt’s purported cosmetic procedures. Narang scrutinized recent images of the actor, juxtaposing them with pictures from a few years ago, and noted a noticeable reduction in lines around Pitt’s mouth and eyes.

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News, Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/BWP Media/East News

He looks good cause he dont have to deal with the stress of angelina no more. good for him. she was a mistake anyways.


In Narang’s professional opinion, these changes cannot be solely attributed to skincare products. No amount of moisturizer can erase facial lines. He emphasized a key indicator of facelift surgery, pointing to the area around the ear. Narang explained that individuals who undergo facelifts typically exhibit scars in this region due to the tightening of the skin. Notably, Narang observed such a scar on Pitt, leading him to conclude that the actor may have indeed undergone cosmetic enhancements.

The actor truly looks young and fresh. The worries he likely feels about his children not speaking to him and rejecting his last name have not affected his appearance.

Preview photo credit Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News, Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/BWP Media/East News, BENJAMIN CREMEL/AFP/East News


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