Jackie Chan Was Asked Who His Favorite Kardashian Is and He Gave a Very Unexpected Answer

8 months ago

Jackie Chan is loved by millions of viewers. He is an excellent actor and stunt performer while maintaining humility. He isn’t afraid to speak the truth or find himself in an awkward situation. For example, when he was asked a question, “Who is your favorite Kardashian?” his response amazed people.

The actor made people laugh and burst with adorable reactions at the same time.

The 69-year-old actor and martial artist was interviewed by a famous magazine when he was asked a question about the iconic Kardashians, and Jackie’s answer was just epic.

Interestingly, Chan didn’t throw a single shade in the direction of Kim and co, he just didn’t really know who they even were.

This all seems like the Rush Hour star might be the only person on planet Earth who doesn’t know the Kardashians’ existence. And maybe even more shocking is how heavily popular he has been in Hollywood and showbiz in general during his whole career.

Chan’s revelation was shocking for people even at the time of interview.

The interview in question actually happened in 2018 when Jackie Chan was making the audience familiar with his new film at the time, The Foreigner. However, even 6 years ago, the Kardashian family were still pop culture icons.

So when the hosts asked the question to Chan, “We’re going to have you name your favorite Kardashian. Who do you like?” they might not have been ready for his answer.

“Kardashian?” the Hollywood star asked, “What do you mean Kardashian? I don’t know. Is that English?” The reply was so strong that social media users couldn’t let it rest since then.

The hosts clearly didn’t expect such a response. They awkwardly chuckled, and then one of the girls said, “The Kardashians definitely know who you are.” After that, the hosts tried to change the subject. However, this moment intrigued the viewers and sparked a strong reaction on the internet.

Six years since the interview first took place, new life was breathed into it again via the Reddit thread r/MadeMeSmile, and people, once again, had smiles on their faces after the sincere answer of the actor to a quite provocative question.

The post garnered thousands of comments, with everyone siding with Jackie Chan, who either genuinely didn’t know about the Kardashian family or skillfully dodged the question to avoid offending anyone from the famous family. “Perhaps he has heard of them and and it’s his way of protesting a moronic question.”

Celebrities are no strangers to finding themselves in awkward situations. They often face unexpected questions and sometimes even wardrobe malfunctions in front of hundreds of viewers.


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