Michael Jackson’s Son “Blanket” Reveals New Nickname in Pursuit of a New Identity

month ago

Michael Jackson’s youngest child, Prince Michael Jackson II, long known by the nickname “Blanket,” has recently chosen to abandon this moniker after over a decade. Born in 2002 via surrogate, Prince Michael earned the nickname “Blanket” because his father frequently used a blanket to shield his face and maintain his privacy.

This nickname accompanied him throughout his early years, but by 2015, he chose to reinvent himself as “Bigi” Jackson. This decision symbolized a fresh start, signaling his intent to move beyond the legacy of his childhood nickname.

Despite being the son of one of music’s most iconic figures, Bigi has shown little inclination to pursue a musical career. Instead, he has become a passionate advocate for environmental issues, with a particular focus on climate change. In a 2021 interview, Bigi discussed his dedication to combating climate change and emphasized the importance of increasing awareness about this critical global issue.

During the interview, Bigi expressed his admiration for the history and creativity that surrounded his father’s work, while also emphasizing the need to contribute positively to the world. He stated, “That’s what each of us want to do, make some things that people hopefully enjoy but also that benefit their lives.” His passion for climate activism reflects a deep concern for the environment and a sense of responsibility toward future generations.

After the death of Michael Jackson in 2009, Bigi, along with his siblings Prince Michael Jackson I and Paris Jackson, was raised by their grandmother, Katherine Jackson. Today, Bigi lives independently in a mansion in California.


The public’s response to Bigi’s name change and his dedication to climate activism has been largely positive. Many have commended him for his resilience in handling the loss of his father and for his commitment to making a meaningful impact. One person commented, “MJ’s kids are exactly as MJ raised them — caring, kind, eloquent, intelligent, and level-headed individuals,” while another noted, “Such a wonderful young man. Michael really raised his children well.”

Although Bigi acknowledges that he lacks his father’s musical talent, he is channeling his energy into raising awareness about environmental issues and encouraging others to take action against climate change.


As Bigi Jackson forges his own path, he remains committed to making a significant impact on the world while moving beyond the shadow of his father’s legacy.

Preview photo credit AXELLE/BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM/East News, Good Morning Britain / Twitter


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