My Friends Thought My Bikini Was Too Revealing, and Here’s What Happened When I Refused to Change

2 months ago

Imagine how great it is to go on vacation with friends and enjoy the beach and sun. But our reader’s trip took a turn for the worse. Her friends didn’t approve of her swimsuit. Here’s what happened next.

Our reader dropped us a message.

Here’s what our readers think about this situation.

If it was so important how she was dressed they should have spoke about a dress code beforehand. This is normally why married folks hang with other married people.

  • What about the other 500 women at the beach? Do they all need to change to make a husband comfortable? Grow up! © Mary O’Donnell Sindledecker / Facebook
  • I think we should be modest around the ones we respect and care for! What are friends for if they make you and your family uncomfortable? You should respect their opinions and be modest. © Shehzeen Arif / Facebook
  • You’re at the beach to relax and to be comfortable. Why is what you are wearing affecting them? A better question, why were they focusing more on your scenery and not enjoying the beach? As long as it isn’t overexposure or nudity, you should be able to wear what you want. It is not your fault that you are in better shape than they are. The comment is kind of offensive. It ranks up there with you telling them they need to hit the gym. © Tennile Hoyte / Facebook
  • Celebrate your friends... if they look amazing that’s fantastic. Don’t be that jealous comparison type of friend, we need friends who love us and lift us, there’s enough in the world to bring us down. © Parafox Louise / Facebook
  • We live in a society where you can’t just do whatever you want. It’s called accountability. Every action has a reaction and dressing in a very revealing swimsuit sends messages to others, such as, “I dress like this because I want attention, or I dress like this in front of your husband and children because I don’t respect you or your family ”. Sad. © Marietta Kim LeMaitre / Facebook
  • Women need to stop catering to men in this manner. SHE doesn’t need to change HER
    clothes HE needs to change HIS behavior! © Enchanting Fashion and Home Decor / Facebook
  • As long as it’s not a good string bikini, I honestly don’t see what the problem is. You’re at a beach, not a cook out at their house. I’m sorry, they need to grow up and get over it. And saying kids feel uncomfortable about it is a joke and someone is seriously doing something wrong in parenting. I have 2 girls 10 and my boyfriends 20-year-old with learning disabilities and when we go to the beach we all wear 2 pieces sometimes and sometimes 1 piece and think absolutely nothing about it because it’s swimwear. And if the women feel uncomfortable being off weight, then the obvious solution is to pick an activity that doesn’t require swimwear. People need to get a grip. © Brandy Roberts / Facebook

Whose side are you on in this situation?

Disagreements between friends can sometimes escalate significantly. Here’s the story of another young woman who stopped talking to her best friend after one incident.

Preview photo credit Pickpik


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