Jane Seymour, 72, Spills Her Age-Defying Beauty Secrets

8 months ago

Jane Seymour’s age-defying appearance belies her actual age, as the Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman star, has already entered her 70s. However, maintaining timeless beauty requires effort, and we’ve delved into Seymour’s beauty regimen to uncover her secrets for graceful aging. We’re excited to share our discoveries with all of you.

She believes that beauty comes from within.

Jane Seymour once disclosed that she had a brush with death many years ago, which prompted her to reassess her perspective on life. In her own words, she expressed, “I realized that when you pass, the only thing you take with you is the love you’ve shared and the difference you’ve made.”

This epiphany led her to recognize the interconnectedness of all aspects of her life, stating, “It’s all connected. There’s not one thing that I do that’s not connected to mind, body, and soul.” Since then, Seymour has prioritized personal growth and positivity, believing that nourishing her soul will ultimately reflect in her physical well-being.

She was inspired by her mother.

According to Jane, she also imbibed the significance of being attuned to her inner self from her mother.
She revealed that her mother couldn’t indulge in expensive skincare treatments, so she prioritized self-care instead. In Jane’s own words, “She never had any money and couldn’t afford any kind of facials. She took care of herself... and her whole philosophy in life was that everyone had a challenge, and when they did, they had to accept it, open up their hearts, and reach out to help other people. And in doing so, [they] would help themselves.”

She avoids fad diets.

Contrary to popular belief, Jane isn’t too stringent with her food choices. She confessed that she adores food and doesn’t obsess over her weight, but she does place emphasis on consuming nutritious meals. In her own words, “Diets for me never really worked because I’m a foodie. I grow my own vegetables and fruits, and I love flavor. So the whole idea of getting to a number on a scale ... I’m not, you know, crazy about it.”

She keeps her body moving.

Jane understands the significance of staying physically fit but also considers her age and doesn’t push her body too hard. She favors Pilates and “light weights,” complemented with “very careful sit-ups” and “some yoga poses but not all.” Jane ensures that she tunes in to her body, recognizing that “as you get older, you know, your body can’t function the way you’d like it to function.”

She’s protecting her skin at all costs.

Jane’s go-to skincare tip is safeguarding her skin from the sun’s harmful rays. As she once stated, “I think having good skin is really the secret to not aging your face. Using retinol at night, protecting yourself from the sun, using great skincare that plumps your skin ... and pretty much anything that makes me feel healthy is the best anti-aging secret I know.”

Jane also remarked that she regrets not being more cautious around the sun in her younger days. In her own words, “I don’t have many regrets, but I do wish I could tell that younger version of myself that she shouldn’t bask in the sun with a reflector board and cooking oil during those 2 weeks of vacation! But, I stopped sun-worshipping a long time ago, so I guess I’m lucky there.”

She’s all about aging naturally.

Jane also remarked that she regrets not being more cautious around the sun in her younger days. In her own words, As of now, I have chosen not to have a facelift—but I have nothing against any of it, nothing... if I felt that somebody could do something that wouldn’t change my face, and I would have the results where I would look just like me, I would do it. I’m not saying I’d never do it, but I haven’t done it yet."

Jane Seymour’s age-defying beauty secrets are truly remarkable and inspiring. Her dedication to self-care and healthy living is a testament to age being just a number. If Jane Seymour’s age-defying beauty secrets have left you wanting more, wait until you see these celebrities who seem stuck in time.


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