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There are people who don’t leave their house every morning without showering first. While this seems like the hygienic thing to do, some dermatologists believe that this could be harmful. But it sometimes depends on the time of year, since during winter our skin is dry and too many showers can make it even dryer.
Now I’ve Seen Everything has a few shower tips that might work in your body’s benefit.
Washing your feet is an important part of the dermatologist-recommended 3-step shower routine, as your feet accumulate dirt if you are barefoot and pile up bacteria-breeding moisture if you wear socks or shoes.
If your muscles feel painful and sore after a long day at work, taking a warm shower may help relieve the unpleasant sensations. As warm water hits your body, it helps to soothe muscle tension and promote a better night’s sleep. Taking a warm shower can also prevent leg cramps at night, a common condition that affects up to 60 percent of people.
Showering right before bed and going to sleep when your hair is still wet isn’t doing your locks or your health any favors. Sleeping with damp hair will cause your pillowcase to absorb moisture and create a perfect warm and humid environment for harmful bacteria to grow. This, in turn, may lead to various scalp problems, such as itchiness, irritation, and dandruff.
Freshly washed hair looks and feels great, but shampooing your locks too often can actually make them more oily. Every time you apply your favorite shampoo, it slightly dries out your scalp, causing it to produce more sebum as a response. If you have a habit of washing your hair daily, your scalp gets the message it needs to be constantly producing more oil to prevent the skin on your head from overdrying. This, in turn, will make your hair get greasy more quickly.
If you suffer from seasonal allergies, taking a nightly shower may help ease the symptoms. Being outside means allergens, like pollen and dust, get on your skin and clothes, and unless you take a shower before going to sleep it might end up on your bedding. If you have the habit of jumping into the shower in the morning, consider switching your routine and taking a night shower instead to avoid unpleasant symptoms.
Washing your body from head to toe with soap and water can cause skin problems. However, it is crucial to maintain thorough hygiene in the underarm area. Dr. Sandy Skotnicki recommends a 3-step shower routine that includes washing your armpits instead of showering daily to avoid issues like eczema.
According to Dr. Chris, ITV’s This Morning’s resident doctor, showering every day is bad for you since it washes off the friendly bacteria that live on the skin. Moreover, daily showers are not only bad for the skin but also for the hair. Dr. Angela Lamb believes that excessive shampooing can dry your hair out and dull its color. Hence, many dermatologists recommend showering every other day, or 2 to 3 times per week, and Dr. Niket Sonpal MD says shampooing every other day or less is ideal.
When do you prefer to shower, early in the morning or at night after your day has finally finished?