18 Inconceivable Things Only Kitchen Staff Are Familiar With

year ago

Working in a kitchen is one of the most stressful jobs out there, since you have to please all kinds of different people on a daily basis. There are certain high standards that have to be kept and very often accidents happen that make work life a nightmare. Not only that, but people who work in the hospitality industry rarely take Saturdays and Sundays off, since these are the busiest days of the week. So, maybe we should all start appreciating them a bit more.

1. “I accidentally dropped my hat in the fryer.”

2. “I don’t want to be here anymore today”

3. “The way my coworker stacked the clean potatoes.”

4. “Owner: Let’s make lots of dough tonight! Me: Okay! (Proceeds to empty 20kg of flour in the mixer.) Owner: Dude I mean money! Dough = money! Me: Too late! Jokes aside, that’s 50 lbs of pizza dough for the weekend. Hope ya’ll have a great weekend.”

5. “Our 160qt mixer, Pete, broke down so we won’t be able to use it. I did the one thing I’ve been dying to do for years since he arrived.”

6. “End of my night last night. Understaffed and overworked. Still love this job for some reason.”

7. “When you’re on overtime and chef asks you to sweep...”

8. “The new girl at work was zesting lemons, and oh my god I’ve never seen anyone do it quite this thoroughly.”

9. “Dishwasher refuses to change the water and just says he’s been washing dishes for 40 years.”

10. “Newbie asked where the right-hand gloves were.”

11. “We all have that one cook that unknowingly teaches everyone a valuable lesson, like: Never leave your tray on an active burner.”

12. “The foot of the front leg on the stove gave out. Luckily it wasn’t during service and no one was near it when it happened. 10 gallons ? (the pot didn’t look like that before this happened haha)”

13. “Accidently dropped the korean BBQ I had been making and it sprayed from ceiling to floor. It’s gonna be a great day guys.”

14. “When you come in to find that nobody watered the hot wells all day.”

15. “Co-worker boiling water in deep fryer.”

16. “When you gotta work the grill, but you also gotta write an essay.”

17. “We’re going to need a bigger kitchen.”

18. “We ordered 150 lbs of halibut for the weekend....we got one 152lb. fish.”

Have you ever worked in a kitchen and if so, what is the most terrible accident you’ve ever witnessed or experienced?


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