6 Puzzles That Can Break the Ice at Every Party

year ago

Throughout adulthood, many of us attend family or friend gatherings. It is normal to feel nervous — even more so when we meet new people for the first time. That is why we could prepare ourselves to break the ice by proposing some mental challenges that will allow us to get along and possibly have a great time testing our deduction skills.

At Now I’ve Seen Everything, we have prepared 6 riddles that you can play with a group and crown the winner who manages to decipher them in the shortest time possible. Click on the image to reveal the answer.

1. A man was outside when it started to rain. He had no umbrella and wore no hat. His clothes got soaked, but not a single hair on his head got wet. How could that happen?

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Tap to see the answer

2. A child was brought to the hospital emergency room. The doctor saw the boy and said, "I can’t operate on him. He is my son. But the doctor was not the boy’s father. How is that possible?

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Tap to see the answer

3. What can you keep, but can’t share? And once you share it, you can no longer keep it.

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Tap to see the answer

4. Julia wants to reach an island in the middle of a swimming pool. The island is 30 ft from the edge of the pool. She has 2 wooden planks that are 26 ft long. How will Julia get to the island?

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Tap to see the answer

5. Find 4 words hidden in the picture.

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Tap to see the answer

6. Find 4 words related to winter that are hidden in the picture

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Tap to see the answer

What tricks do you use to avoid getting nervous when meeting new people?


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