15+ Celebrities Who Got a Smile of Their Dreams

3 years ago

The obsession with the perfect smile isn’t anything new. Even in Ancient Egypt, white teeth were a beauty standard and a sign of wealth. And in Ancient Rome, people went as far as using urine for teeth whitening. Such extreme measures aren’t necessary nowadays (thankfully), all you need is a good dentist. Many people use their services, and celebs are no exception.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything decided to see how the teeth of some famous people have changed over the years.

1. Matthew Lewis

© Jim Spellman / WireImage / Getty Images, Gregorio T. Binuya/ Everett Collection / East News

2. Mark Ruffalo

3. Lindsay Lohan

Tammie Arroyo / Associated Press / East News, Andy Kropa/Invision / AP / East News

4. Meghan Markle

IMP FEATURES / East News, GEORGE ROGERS-POOL / SIPA / Sipa Press / East News

5. Miley Cyrus

6. Catherine Zeta-Jones

Robert Hepler/Everett Collection/East News, Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/East News

7. Gwen Stefani

Sean Roberts/ Everett Collection / East News, © gwenstefani / Instagram

8. Katie Holmes

Mary Evans / Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News, Charles Sykes / Invision / AP / East News

9. Morgan Freeman

10. Millie Bobby Brown

Sthanlee Mirador / Sipa USA / East News, Jen Lowery / Broadimage / Broad Image / East News

11. Céline Dion


12. Blake Lively

13. Cher

ASSOCIATED PRESS / East News, Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News

14. Victoria Beckham

15. Faye Dunaway

Mary Evans/AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot./East News, © Jean_Nelson/Depositphotos.com

16. Megan Fox

Adam Orchon /Everett Collection / East News, Jack Shea / Starshots / Broadimage / East News

17. Zac Efron

Were you lucky enough to be born with perfect teeth, or would you like to change something about your smile?

Please note: This article was updated in July 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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