15 Love-Infested Pictures That Will Make You Optimistic About Our Planet’s Future

2 years ago

Even the most simple act of kindness can reduce your stress, and improve your mood and self-esteem. Putting other beings’ needs over your own brings people’s hearts and minds so much joy, like nothing else. Either it’s volunteering or doing something nice for someone who didn’t even ask, people continue proving that the world is still a loving place.

Now I’ve Seen Everything is a firm believer that kindness and love really exists out there and we are glad to see these 15 sights that prove it.

1. “Found a snake all tangled up. Mesh was choking her and beginning to cut into her skin. She’s safe now.”

2. “She likes to go for rides but couldn’t see out the window.”

3. “Dorothy anonymously bakes treats & leaves them for our apartment community. She was recently caught.”

4. “My boyfriend saved this duck. This fabric was wrapped around his body. A hero in both mine and the duck’s eyes.”

5. This dog gets really anxious in the car, so grandma asked to sit in the back with him.

6. “Saw these handmade hats and mittens in my local park when walking my dog. Very proud of my city.”

7. “My mom crocheted and donated 31 blankets to sick children this year.”

8. “Morning after we adopted our dog from the shelter. He fits right in.”

9. “We decided to not get gifts for each other. But I’m secretly buying everyone gifts for the very first time because now I have a job this year!”

10. Andy was a footless goose. His owner made him shoes and taught Andy how to walk.

11. “Passed by this while walking.”

12. “A woman in our neighborhood made these for all the pups on the block. Best thread ever!”

13. “My dad called me and told me his dog found a baby squirrel that was half alive in the yard. He rescued it and fed it.”

14. Kevin Hart has a huge heart.

15. “Went to the cat café today and meet this sweet baby.”

Do you think that there is even more kindness and love out there in the world? Have you done anything this nice without having any real reason why?

Preview photo credit luckysonic2 / Reddit


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