15+ Times Internet Sleuths Helped Us Identify Highly Unusual Items

year ago

Going to a different country gives us the opportunity to explore new places and see new things. Sometimes, objects that originated in a foreign country make their way to a different one. This happens because people have been travelling in other countries since the beginning of time. This leaves us with items and functions that we are not aware of and thankfully the internet is there to help us.

1. What could this be?

Answer: “It’s a tool to take the top off of a boiled egg.” Here are some similar ones.

2. “What is this serving tray/board? Metal and wood”

Answer: “It’s for serving bagels with trays for lox and cream cheese. It’s missing the rods to hold the bagels and the glass dishes. Here you go, link.”

3. “Crystal stemware object in cupboard with pointy tip and flared base about 5” tall."

Answer: This is the stopper for a decanter.

4. “What is this thing? It’s metal, and relatively flexible, but I felt at one point it would break. Just suddenly found it in my house one day.”

Answer: “It’s ’boning’ from a corset or knee brace.”

5. “What is this small, metal hooky thing with a rubber tip found in a jewelry box?”

Answer: “I believe that is for hanging a purse off of the side of a table in a restaurant. You can use it for a purse, but also to hold many plastic bags. Hence the finger placement. Not sure though but looks like it. And the ‘bracelet’ is to attach the device to the handle of your purse so that you don’t lose it.”

6. “What’s this heavy, brass, genie lamp-like object with both a weird cutout spout and a narrow upwards spout?”

Answer: It’s a lamp. It’s literally an oil lamp, to be used to create light. The wick goes in the spout. The oil goes in the belly. You light the wick and a flame will burn on the end of the spout like a little candle, and you can carry your lantern around with you.

7. “Grey metal object approx 6-8 inches long with thick wire attached approx 12-16 inches long if straightened.”

Answer: Electric service drop clamp.

8. “We found this on top of a bookcase while cleaning our office. It appears that the jar is sealed. The white things inside weigh next to nothing.”

Answer: They look like silkworm cocoons.

9. “Glass vase thing found in a thrift store in Navarre, FL.”

Answer: “It’s a kind of drinking bottle used in Spain, specifically Catalonia. You drink from it by pouring a stream through the air and directly into your mouth. It’s called a Porron. The shape is a bit strange, maybe because the one you have is just a decorative piece.”

10. “What is this metal rattle-shaped item?”

Answer: “It’s just a sterling silver baby rattle-shaped keepsake box. Like you’d put a lock from baby’s first haircut in there... Silver objects are traditional baby and christening gifts and have been popular since Victorian times. Here’s a little about their history.”

11. “Wooden block with 6 metal fins, inscribed ’Hemma Patent’.”

Answer: Cabbage slicer for making sauerkraut.

12. “What is this plier-handled tool with gear-toothed rollers turned by a wing crank at the top?”

Answer: “That looks a lot like a really nice paint tube squeezer. It probably works really well at getting the very last bit of toothpaste from the tube.”

13. “Hefty brass vessel riveted to thin metal arm with wooden handle?”

Answer: “It’s part of a petroleum flash point tester. It’s a copper ladle for holding liquid petroleum.”

14. “Found this in my garden, no clue what it is.”

Answer: This is an electrostatic animal guard. When an animal touches the spokes, it receives an electric shock.

15. “Feels like hard rubber and was found in the ground.”

Answer: “Those are cattle brands, it is the base from a horseshoe set.”

16. “Found when cleaning my parents basement. Looks like some sort of book holder or something. It is made out of wood and the paint is heavily chipped. Ripped up pieces of newspaper were found inside the top compartment, one of which was dated 1967.”

Answer: “It’s an Italian (Florentine style) phone stand. There should be a drawer for pens and paper and a personal phone book. The vertical cavity is for your city phone book or books. The top is a handle for moving it about.”

17. “I found this in a purse I just thrifted. It is a small, unscrewable canister with some dark gray / green powder inside.”

Answer: Cremains. My daughter has one similar to this on a chain she wears or hangs up containing her best friends ashes.

Preview photo credit 44dog44 / Reddit


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