15 People So Unlucky You Just Want to Give Them a Big Hug

3 weeks ago

It’s easy to get caught up in our own problems, but sometimes hearing about the struggles of others can put things into perspective. In this article, we’re shining a light on 15 people whose unlucky circumstances will make you want to reach out and give them a big hug.

1. “Spray tan tears won’t go away.”

2. “I asked for a lovely red-gold color. I got this...I work in a law firm in a client-facing role. Ugh.”

3. "I bought a lemon pie for my dad’s birthday and this happened on the way home."

4. “The way my cup broke”

5. “This order number I got outside of Vatican City”

6. “This teddy bear hospital wall looks like it could be the room of a murderer of toys.”

7. “I thought these were eye drops. Turned out to be mint breath freshener.”

8. 5 mushrooms on this pizza, and only one of them is wild.

9. It’s so confusing.

Ha Ha ..Identity crisis!! Must be a Refurbished keyboard. They come off & can be swapped over ... :)


10. “My waterproof camera sucked in all the water and left me this last image.”

11. “These overheated cans not only exploded simultaneously while I was driving, but they also tore apart the box.”

12. “When did fortunes get so dark?”

13. “Had a feeling I was being watched...”

14. “Was waiting for the game to update, and decided to get on the laptop while I waited...”

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit thiscontradiction / Reddit


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