15 People Who Amazed Us With Their Transformations

2 years ago

Big changes in any sphere require a lot of courage and strong willpower to fight insecurity and doubts. But in the end, those who persevered are awarded great satisfaction and self-confidence. If you’ve wanted to change something in your life, let today’s heroes be your inspiration.

1. “Age 23 in the left photo, age 36 in the right photo, radical acceptance — inside and out.”

2. “I stopped using a straightener. Now I’m often told that I look like Keanu Reeves.”

3. From an ordinary teenager to a cinema star

4. “13 to 21 — dreams really do come true!”

5. “The difference between 19 and 24”

6. “10 years apart”

7. “5 years of braces and 1 jaw surgery later”

8. A 10-year difference between the photos

9. “I’ve been growing out my hair for 3 years since I first heard you can give it to charity.”

10. “Now I’m secure in my self-esteem.”

11. “Before and after rhinoplasty”

12. “2.5 years, 8 teeth extracted”

13. “I feel like I finally have the face I was supposed to have all along.”

14. “Had some fun with a weird hairstyle. It’s great to have options, especially after being almost hairless for quite a few years!”

15. “2 years apart, just an entirely different lifestyle — I’m half the person I once was.”

Have you ever tried experimenting with your appearance? What was the result?

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