Usually our uniqueness comes from within and shines on the outside. However, some rare people are born with physical features that are so special, that they make all heads turn even before they have to speak, express themselves or show their personality. And these people are well aware that their differences are a force to be proud of. That’s why they share photos of their one-of-a-kind body features with millions of people on the internet.
1. ’’I was born with 3ish toes on my right foot.’’
3. “My right hand has a single crease, which goes from left to right without breaking.”
4. “I have an extra eyelash growing out of the middle of my eyelid. It grows back after pulling it.”
6. “I was born without a little finger on my right hand.”
7. “I was born with a hole at the top of my ear that used to ’cry’ when I cried as a baby.”
8. “My boss has 2 pinkies conjoined into one.”
9. He has 2 different eye colors.
10. ’’My ring finger goes ghostly white when I’m cold.’’
11. “My daughter was born with an extra finger on each hand.”
12. “My genetically pushed back knuckles on my left hand”
13. “I have a birthmark in my eye.”
14. “I can give my fingers faces if I bite on them.”
15. “Dirt and ash don’t stick to my scar.”
16. ’’My middle finger’s growth stopped.’’
Do you have any unique physical features yourself?