15 Stars Who Seem to Have Figured Out How to Never Age

2 years ago

For most of us, the first signs of aging start to appear when we are just about 25 years old. However, it seems that some celebrities are immune to this not only while they are in their 20s but even after they’ve turned 50. Some of those stars manage to look better than their younger selves.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything decided to compare some celebs’ past and present pics to see who has this superpower.

1. Hilary Duff

2. Chris Evans

3. Cameron Diaz

4. Jesse Eisenberg

5. Anne Hathaway

6. Jake Gyllenhaal

7. Angelina Jolie

8. Jennifer Aniston

9. Keanu Reeves

10. Charlize Theron

11. Jessica Alba

12. Jared Leto

13. Katy Perry

14. Hugh Jackman

15. Nicole Kidman

Which celebrity do you believe has aged the best? Which one made your jaw drop?


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