15 Stars Who Upgraded Their Smile and Achieved a New Glow

2 years ago

Stardom often allows celebrities to get a makeover and achieve the look they’ve always wanted for themselves. Their change often starts with their smile. Whether they get a completely new set of teeth or simply whiten them, the truth is we never fail to tell the difference.

1. Meghan Markle

IMP FEATURES / East News, GEORGE ROGERS-POOL / SIPA / Sipa Press / East News

2. Tom Cruise

Screen Prod/Photononstop/East News, Tom Belcher/Capital Pictures/EAST NEWS

3. Zac Efron

4. Jennifer Garner

5. Snooki

6. Scarlett Johansson

Mary Evans / Allstar / Graham Whitby Boot / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News, Evan Agostini / Invision / AP / East News

7. Michael Douglas

WARNER BROTHERS/Album/EAST NEWS, © Featureflash/Depositphotos.com

8. Emma Thompson

PHOTOlink/Courtesy Everett Collection/East News, © PopluarImages/Depositphotos.com

9. Morgan Freeman

10. LeAnn Rimes

Mary Evans/AF Archive/Graham Whitby Boot./East News, © s_bukley/Depositphotos.com

11. Drew Barrymore

12. Matthew Lewis

© Jim Spellman / WireImage / Getty Images, Gregorio T. Binuya/ Everett Collection / East News

13. Jennifer Hudson

14. David Bowie


15. Blake Lively

Have you ever had braces? Would you like to change anything about your teeth? Tell us in the comment section below!

Preview photo credit IMP FEATURES / East News, GEORGE ROGERS-POOL / SIPA / Sipa Press / East News


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