15+ Talented People Who Made Amazing Pieces on Their Own

year ago

One of the most well-known fashion designers ever, Karl Lagerfeld never got a specific education in this field. The future visionary left home when he was only 14 and entered a coat design competition in Paris. After winning, he was hired as an assistant and began his amazing career from there. This goes to show that talent can shine bright in any situation.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything chose some wonderful creations by Internet users that deserve recognition, too.

1. “I made a corset inspired by the famous Chanel chain dress.”

The original Chanel dress:

2. “Made these two looks based on how I grew up in Soweto, a township in South Africa, in tribute to my grandmother.”

3. “A sweater I sewed from a blanket”

4. “I just finished this super flowy mermaid-style skirt knowing full well I’ll probably never be able to wear it out.”

5. “I made the dressing gown that Bilbo wears in the first Hobbit movie.”

The original gown from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey:

6. “I made my own homecoming dress.”

7. “I made a dress from a thrifted doona cover.”

8. “I made this jumpsuit for a wedding.”

9. “I completed my Belle gown!”

10. “I embroidered a star map onto these jeans!”

11. “I made a Gunne Sax inspired dress from an old bed skirt”

12. “Beth Harmon from The Queen’s Gambit. I made the dress.”

13. “The reception dress I made for my friend”

14. “A dress made from thrifted bed sheets”

15. “The engagement photo dress I designed and constructed.”

16. “I made a court dress from the 1670s.”

Whose self-made gown resembles the original the most, in your opinion? Can you sew?


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