16 Pictures Whose Perspective Could Make You Feel Like You’re Hallucinating

2 years ago

Every professional or even amateur photographer will tell you that it’s all about perspective when taking a picture. This tool helps you create the illusion of distance, the illusion of a 3D item or space and many other things. Maybe the people who took the pictures we are about to see know nothing about professional photography, but they did manage to use perspective to their advantage.

1. “It’s just a hug between a father and his son.”

2. “I feel lighter.”

3. “It’s just her hat.”

4. “I’m just big-boned.”

5. “Was just about to get up and turn off the light.”

7. “Dropped a chicken breast in a small stream.”

8. “After 5 years of use, my pizza stone looks like the moon.”

9. “The cat is quite tall, like an AT-AT Walker from Star Wars.”

10. “This cupboard of nothing”

11. “Thought these dividers were see through.”

12. “Those aren’t my shoes.”

13. “Chair blending with their shadows.”

14. “These stairs I almost tripped off of”

15. “My cousin’s legs look backward.”

16. “House on a hill?”

Have you ever seen something that looked unusual to you and made sure to take a picture of it using the perfect perspective?


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