17 Photos That Will Drive Your Eyes into a Tsunami of Confusion

year ago

There are two components that are needed in order to create a photo that is confusing to the eye. First, you need to choose your perspective and then you have to know when the timing is right in order to take the photo. In some cases, this combination of factors might take a lot of time, but in other cases things happen accidentally while everything has worked out perfectly.

1. Naturally red lips.

2. “T-Rex arms.”

3. Is that the new black?

4. “Man playing billiards on my car.”

5. “A furniture delivery truck parked behind me on lunch break.”

6. But it’s prohibited to use magic outside of Hogwarts.

7. “This tigers print is a huge face of a tiger.”

8. “This boiled egg that exploded while cooking and looks like a snail.”

9. Giants are in the city.

10. “Found in a can of refried beans.”

11. A different cat breed.

12. “A very long cow.”

13. “Maybe we should cancel that outdoor hike indefinitely.”

14. Do you already feel this harmony?

15. That second when I forgot about everything:

16. Is she above or under the water?

17. “Not a Mohawk.”

Which one of the pictures above surprised you the most and you’re still wondering how exactly they came to be?

Preview photo credit maskari / Imgur, DinaSkute / Reddit


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