18 Pics That Remind Us How Our Lives Are Built on Beautiful Memories

No one really knows where life will take us. So all we can do is enjoy the present and throw in some hard work too if we want to achieve our dreams. Each person also has a different timeline, and we just need to trust that fate will bring us to where we need to be at the perfect moment.

These 18 pics that we at Now I’ve Seen Everything have gathered will prove that all good things take time, and that someday, everything that we’ve been through will eventually make sense.

1. “Same wedding outfits, 60 years later.”

2. “I never thought that 17 years later, my best friend would live to meet my first child.”

3. “In sixth grade, she asked me to dance. I nervously said yes. 8.5 years later, I asked her to marry me. She instantly said yes.”

4. “My friend was partially paralyzed a few years ago. She has been waiting years for this moment.”

5. “Elliot’s owner shares what he looked like at 4 weeks vs full-grown with his favorite toy.”

6. “Fifteen years later, they’re still best friends.”

7. “5 years and $40,000 in the making”

8. “Friends for 15 years, together for 4, now we’re finally married.”

9. “Feeling confident. I cut my hair short for the first time in about 15 years.”

10. “This is the first time she has come and laid with me since the day I rescued her last year. I never want to move.”

11. “My dad just graduated college today at 63 years old. He had to drop out when he was young to take care of his younger siblings.”

12. “A recreation (almost to the day) of our Disneyland Trip in 1999.”

13. “This abandoned Walmart parking lot puppy the day she found me, and now, 5 years later”

14. “My autistic son started talking when we learned he loved being outdoors. Never give up.”

15. “My friends and me, 18 years later — the same set-up, living room, table, and even cameraman”

16. “A different kind of progress pic, 22 vs 26”

17. “At age 4, I whispered sweet nothings in her ear. 24 years later, we’re getting married.”

18. “My parents recreated their honeymoon picture 40 years later.”

How about you? Do you believe that there is a perfect time for everything? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments!

Preview photo credit SlappysRevenge / Reddit


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