15 Hilarious Tweets From Parents That Are Painfully True

Sometimes, we underestimate just how smart animals can be. They surprise us with their intelligence, and it’s downright adorable. It’s heartwarming to witness the clever antics of animals, proving that intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes, often catching us off guard and leaving us with a smile. On Reddit, people talked about how smart their pets are in a thread. Some stories were really cool!
“My 90 lb dog wears his cape of empowerment during thunderstorms.”
“This is Loki. No one is allowed to sleep until he gets his own personal pillow.”
“Meet our rescue dog April. The sweetest most well-behaved pup I’ve ever owned. When she smiles like this, you know she’s truly happy.”
“My German Shepherd didn’t recognize me after 8 months apart. It wasn’t until I said his name that he realizes who I was! You can see the switch on his face. So sweet!”