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A child-free couple has sparked a significant online debate. The joyful partners elaborated on their choice not to “end up miserable by having kids.” Numerous users promptly joined the conversation, leading to a diverse array of conflicting viewpoints on the subject.
A child-free couple has elaborated on their decision to remain childless. Taylor Vasu, 28, and her 27-year-old husband, Justin, residing in Orange County, California, have chosen not to have children to maintain their current lifestyle. They disclosed that being child-free allows them to go on 12 holidays a year and have lie-ins every weekend.
Taylor and Justin proudly embrace their child-free status and identify as DINKS, which stands for “dual income, no kids.” The spouses say they don’t want to end up “miserable by having kids”.
Taylor and Justin have enjoyed six years together as a couple. During their leisure hours, they indulge in travel, spontaneous outings, shared workouts, and luxuriating in extra-long weekend slumbers.
They’ve revealed that they can spontaneously take time off work with just a “week’s notice”, allowing them to fully focus on each other. Taylor believes that considering their current circumstances, it would be “irresponsible” for her and her husband, an IT sales executive, to start a family. They’ve chosen to postpone this decision until they are “financially ready.”
Rather than saving money for future children, the couple is prioritizing their savings to purchase a house.
Taylor expresses her perspective, saying, “Most people say when you have kids — your life will be over. It makes us not want to have any. People sometimes guilt trip me by saying my maternal clock is ticking.”
She further explains, “I tell them — “You’re just mad at the consequences of your own actions, I don’t want to be miserable like you.”
Taylor and Justin firmly believe that they are currently leading their best life.“We can do whatever we want, whenever we want, and I don’t want to give that up,” Taylor asserts. The couple enjoys the flexibility to travel to any destination, and Taylor points out, “You rarely see a couple with a newborn traveling to Tahiti. Children are so reliant on you.”
She continues, “Our schedule is really ours to make. We love a spontaneous plan, and when you have kids, that’s not possible. Having a child is expensive. I want to buy a house and have a good solid 10-15k before I think about having a kid. We want to wait until we’re financially prepared to have children, to get the bulk of the traveling done, and to give our children the best life possible.”
Although not everyone can empathize with the choice to abstain from having children, an increasing number of women today are opting to lead a childfree life, and there are compelling reasons behind their decision.