I Had to Record My MIL’s Insulting Comments to Prove My Husband How Mean She Is

2 weeks ago

A mother-in-law’s attitude can be hard to predict. One woman shared how her MIL insulted her behind her husband’s back, and he had no idea. When he finally found out, his reaction was shocking! You won’t believe what happened next.

She sought help from Reddit users.

People in comments almost all agreed with one thing.

  • The woman is a calculating, manipulative person, and she raised him to be one, too. I doubt very much that OP is the first person she has done this behavior to, and I doubt very much that he really thought his mom was incapable of that. The apple is just defending its tree. © ACaffeinatedWandress / Reddit
  • Is it just me or did hubby know this but chose to ignore it. Now that there’s proof he’s pissed he’s going to have to do something about it. Either way, this is not a good sign for marriage© TieNervous9815 / Reddit
  • He knew. He knew the whole time, but he also thought that OP wouldn’t be able to back it up. He knew his mother was being horrible, but he didn’t care how it made OP feel, or hell, he liked that it made OP feel bad. © haleorshine / Reddit
  • He already knew, but now he’s mad he can’t gaslight you about it anymore. Proof was the one thing he couldn’t lie about. © RedneckDebutante / Reddit

There are many stories about relationships with in-laws. Sometimes their behavior can be tricky, but other times relations can be warm and supportive. Every family is different, and these relationships can be full of surprises.

Preview photo credit nar***uvs / Reddit


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