The Harmful Effects of Squatting Over the Toilet

4 hours ago

Most of the time, if not always, public restrooms are not squeaky clean. So when we have to use a public restroom, we either hold it and let it go, or we go and hover over the toilet seat so that we don’t make contact with it. While this may seem like a good temporary solution, this habit could potentially contribute to secondary problems over time.

Possible Effects on Bladder and Pelvic Health

When you squat over the toilet to relieve yourself, your pelvic floor muscles are about 40% tense and your bladder is not completely relaxed. As a result, some urine may remain in the bladder, which in some cases could contribute to bacterial growth. If you frequently experience issues related to urination, consulting a healthcare professional is recommended.

You may experience the sensation of needing to urinate more frequently.

Sometimes incomplete bladder emptying leads to an increased sensation of urgency or more frequent urination. This could be due to irritation of the bladder lining, though individual experiences may vary.

Your bladder can become weaker over time.

If you hover or squat over the toilet when you pee, you are not using your pelvic muscles in a natural way. So if you use the toilet a lot like this, you are in a way training your muscles not to relax, and after many years your bladder can become weaker.

If you must relieve yourself, the full squat is preferable to the semi-squat.

The full squat is the squat you do when you are in a hurry and in the middle of nowhere, unobstructed, and even lower than when you are sitting down. Doing this squat instead of the semi-squat you do when hovering over a toilet may be better for your health because your pelvic and bladder muscles are more relaxed in this position.

Ignoring the right way to use the toilet can lead to surprising health issues—but did you know your face can also reveal hidden problems? The next time you look in the mirror, watch for these subtle clues that might mean more than you think. Read more!

Preview photo credit vaginacoach / TikTok


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