The Story of Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, the Richest Couple Who Decided Not to Leave Their Kids Billions

year ago

This couple, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, have been inspiring people around the world for decades. They are the brightest representatives of a new generation of people who work not for their own profit, but for the common good. But beyond that, they exemplify a strong family, being a support and muse for each other.

They met 20 years ago.

The couple who are both 38, met back in 2003 while they were both attending Harvard University. Their paths first crossed as they were both waiting in line for the bathroom at a party at Zuckerberg’s fraternity.

The lovebirds moved in together in 2010, and 2 years later, they tied the knot in their backyard. The event was a total surprise for all the attendees who thought that they were about to celebrate Priscilla graduating from medical school.

Prior to reciting their vows, the couple swapped handwritten promises of commitment. The reception featured culinary delights from the couple’s most beloved eateries in Palo Alto. As a delightful conclusion, they presented mouse-shaped chocolates, a playful reference to the confection they enjoyed on their inaugural date.

They share the same values and love and respect each other,” conveyed Randi Zuckerberg, Mark’s sister.

Family is more important to them than a job.

Zuckerberg and Chan joyfully embraced the birth of their initial offspring, a daughter bestowed with the name Maxima “Max” Chan Zuckerberg, arriving on December 1, 2015. In her honor, the couple established the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, an organization with the aim of dedicating 99% of their wealth to diverse causes encompassing enhancements in education and the eradication of diseases. That way their descendants won’t inherit billions.

August 28, 2017. Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan have welcomed their second daughter August. In order to fully immerse themselves in parenthood, both spouses took vacations. At this point, the businessman revealed himself to the world as a loving and sentimental father.

To his children, he addressed letters in social networks. Here is one of them:

“You will be busy when you’re older, so I hope you take time to smell all the flowers and put all the leaves you want in your bucket now. I hope you read your favorite Dr. Seuss books so many times you start inventing your own stories about the Vipper of Vipp. I hope you ride the carousel with Max until you’ve tamed every color horse. And I hope even in your dreams you can feel how much we love you. Childhood is magical. You only get to be a child once, so don’t spend it worrying too much about the future.”

In March 2023, Mark and Priscilla became parents for the third time. A daughter Aurelia Chan Zuckerberg was born. The Facebook founder posted a photo of himself with his newborn on Instagram and wrote, “Welcome to the world, Aurelia Chan Zuckerberg! You’re such a little blessing.”

They are still going strong.

A few months ago, they marked their 10th anniversary by recreating the same photo they took on their wedding day a decade ago. Mark wrote, ’’10 years married and half our lives together. Here’s to more adventures.’’

It is the family that serves as Mark’s wellspring of inspiration for generating novel ideas. One of Zuckerberg’s innovations is the Sleep Box, a device designed to filter light, facilitating Chan’s uninterrupted sleep during the night. Following her transition into motherhood, his wife has encountered challenges in obtaining a sufficient amount of restful sleep.

“As an engineer, building a device to help my partner sleep better is one of the best ways I can think of to express my love and gratitude,” he wrote.

Despite their fortune, the couple raises their children modestly. They take the girls to work with them so that they can see how money is earned. Mark and Priscilla also do chores with the children: “That’s an important piece, but they also just have responsibilities.”

We are inspired by the example of Mark and Priscilla. It is always a pleasure to look at parents who, apart from their looks, pass on to their children the wisdom and drive to make our world a better place.


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