14 People Who Stand Out from the Crowd for Their Unique Features

year ago

No two people are exactly alike, and some individuals possess a distinct appearance that sets them apart from the rest. Although it may draw curious glances from others, those with distinctive features embrace their differences and take pride in their appearance. They recognize that it is their unique qualities that make them special and stand out in a world that often prioritizes conformity.

The longest lashes.

Guinness World Records/Ferrari Press/East News, Guinness World Records/Ferrari Press/East News

“My girlfriend’s eyes are weird.”

“I was born without a bridge in my nose.”

“I have a freckle on my eye.”

“My housemate had an extra-long silver arm hair.”

“How my vitiligo changes from winter to summer”

“Met a new cousin yesterday with 6 toes.”

“I was born with one normal thumb and one toe thumb.”

“I wonder how a piercing will look on my weird ear shape.”

“Anisocoria is unequal pupils, if suddenly developed it can indicate brain pressure from stroke, TBI, or other serious conditions.”

“My right hand’s ring finger becomes colorless and numb when it’s cold outside. I’m living in icy Canada.”

“One eye is dilated too much.”

“My wife just gave birth to our firstborn, and me and my son both have the same weird genetic abnormality where we have an extra-large space between our first and second toes.”

“I have a geographic tongue. This is the result of eating cinnamon bears.”

Bonus: Tibetan model Tsunaina has a real cosmic look.

Preview photo credit Guinness World Records/Ferrari Press/East News, Guinness World Records/Ferrari Press/East News


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