15+ Actors Who Portrayed Real People So Well That We Struggle to Tell Them Apart

2 years ago

We’ve all probably heard that there’s a doppelganger for each of us, but in reality, it’s rare. Scientists say that the chances of sharing just eight dimensions (distances between key features) with another living person are less than one in a trillion. However, actors who play the roles of real people somehow manage to portray them in such a believable way that you actually start seeing the similarities.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything decided to compare them and show you the results right here.

1. Salma Hayek as Frida Kahlo, Frida

2. Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood

3. Jason Scott Lee as Bruce Lee, Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

4. Nicole Kidman as Gretchen Carlson, Bombshell

5. Brie Larson as Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle

6. Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman, Man on the Moon

7. Emma Stone as Abigail Masham, The Favourite

8. John Travolta as John Gotti, Gotti

9. Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn, The Aviator

10. James Franco as James Dean, James Dean

11. Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne Tuohy, The Blind Side

12. Dev Patel as Saroo Brierley, Lion

13. Keira Knightley as Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, The Duchess

14. Adrien Brody as Salvador Dalí, Midnight in Paris

15. Julia Roberts as Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

16. Anne Hathaway as Jane Austen, Becoming Jane

17. Robert Downey Jr. as Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin

Which resemblance do you find incomparable? Do you know of any other movies where you couldn’t find any differences between the actor and the real person?


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