15+ Men Who Proved That It’s All in the Hair

3 years ago

Men go to hair salons or barbershops more often than women, according to a survey. On average, guys have their hair done almost 6 times a year, while gals go almost 4 times within the same period. This goes to show that gents pay attention to their appearance just as much as women. And a new haircut is one simple and cheap way to improve their looks.

Now I’ve Seen Everything presents 18 men who reached a new level of “charming” after shaking up their manes.

1. “The new cut turned your brows from a distraction into an asset. Well done, my dude.”

2. “That fringe was pretty awful.”

3. “Chopped my hair off after 7 years!”

4. “My boyfriend had his hair cut and my jaw dropped when I saw him.”

5. A before-and-after of the cut

6. “Your face shape stands out more in the ’after’ pic.”

7. “I had very long and thin hair. So, I decided to get a buzz cut.”

8. Before and after

9. “It’s amazing what a haircut can do.”

10. “I cut off the dreadlocks, but I’m missing them already.”

11. “I’ve had it long for like 6 years, and I thought it was time for a change.”

12. “I’ve finally stopped blow-drying my hair straight, and I’m learning to love and embrace the curl!”

13. “A few weeks ago, I donated my hair to make wigs for patients with cancer.”

14. “Decided to cut my hair after the last 2 years.”

15. “I cut my hair today. Feels fresh.”

16. “My new hairstyle”

17. “Dyed my hair green several weeks ago and I like the result a lot.”

18. “I cut my hair shorter, what do you think?”

We’re sure that our readers have their own examples of transformations. Please tell us about your experiments with hairstyles or show your photos in the comments!


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