15 Models Who Are Revolutionizing the Industry

2 days ago

The fashion industry is constantly evolving, and with each passing decade, new design trends emerge and beauty standards shift. We’re finally beginning to recognize that true beauty transcends size and shape — our differences are what make us unique and radiant.

Today, we celebrate the powerful models who are redefining beauty on the runway and inspiring us all with their individuality.

1. Marsha Elle

2. Jillian Mercado

3. Paola Antonini

4. Kelly Knox

5. Ellie Goldstein

6. Viktoria Modesta

7. Winnie Harlow

8. Moffy Gathorne

9. Melanie Gaydos, Marfan syndrome

10. Mara Martin


11. Alexandra Kutas

12. Diandra Forrest

13. Lyn Slater

14. Ashley Graham

While these models are pushing boundaries, there’s a whole other group with even more unique qualities. Think you’ve seen it all? Think again. 13 models are about to prove just how diverse and exciting the modeling world can be.


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