15+ People Who Live in an Entirely Different World Than We Do

year ago

Creative people don’t just live in their own world — their imaginations are like another universe, one that’s filled with inspiration that they draw from when they need to. They lose themselves in their imagination, and it leads to something exceptional. Here are 16 people who believe that the world is their canvas, and they are artists.

1. “50 hours of work.”

2. “I’m a huuuge Stranger Things fan! This is my creepy/cute Demogorgon.”

3. “I built my dream ‘80s video ’store’ in my basement over 4 long years for family, friends, and creative endeavors.”

4. “Finally finished this 1-line drawing. Up close, it should look chaotic. From a distance, it should be clear.”

5. “I’m a self-taught baker, and here are a few of my creations.”

6. “I made 120 bees.”

6. “I made this illusion rug, banana for scale.”

7. “I made these — Toy Cars on Canvas series. Each one weighs between 60 lb and 80 lb.”

8. “My attempt at making nebulae.”

9. “I carved, by hand in wax, these 2 Okinawa lions as my future silver ring charters. It took me almost 9 hours each.”

10. “I found this in my school computer room.”

11. “I pushed myself even harder this year. I think my photo skills have improved too (laser and hand painted/sealed).”

12. “I’m working on this chessboard. I made it from silver and 24k gold. Each square is .7 mm x .7mm.”

13. “Needle-felted dog.”

14. “Painted some mini wood panels!”

15. “Finally did something creative with my knee replacement scar.”

16. “So, insane as it sounds, I was struck by lightning about a month ago! Today, I had the scars tattooed over to commemorate not being dead!”

17. “I lost my colon to Crohn’s disease. I extracted a 3D model from my pre-surgery MRI data, and printed it for a gift to my surgeon.”

18. “Tattooed some new brows on a client with alopecia!”

What is a piece of art that you consider to be out of this world? If you could create a world or universe, what would it be like?

Preview photo credit SIMPalaxy / Imgur


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