16 Talented People Who Made One-of-a-Kind Pieces

year ago

It is believed that in order to be successful, we need to be talented, hardworking, and lucky. If you lack one of these qualities, the other two can compensate, but as it turns out, those success ingredients aren’t equally important. Many studies have shown that it’s common for 20% of people in a group or the whole company to account for 80–98% of performance, so talent is what matters the most.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything decided to showcase some bright talents right here.

1. “It’s been way too long since I’ve made a gown!”

2. “This wooden humanoid hiding in a big pine log”

3. “Thought I would share my latest painting, acrylic on canvas.”

4. “I like to draw pictures using one non-intersecting line and wanted to share this.”

5. “Thrift-flipped this embroidered sailboat dress and I love it!”

6. A charcoal portrait of my model.

7. “My wife told me to do a craft with our 6-year-old son. 40 hours later: paper mache.”

8. “Made these matching outfits for the Bridgerton Ball!”

9. “I finally got around to having my art printed onto dresses.”

10. “I made a chocolatey Bigfoot cookie cake.”

11. “My attempt at a desert landscape scrimshaw on bone”

12. “Abstract sculptures from recycled skateboards by a disabled skateboarder (me)”

13. “My 5-year-old son designed the toy and we made it together.”

14. “I painted my cast.”

15. “I made a little robot bar from a small sheet of balsa wood.”

16. “Perfect day to sit by our local pond and paint a bit!”

Have you managed to craft something that makes you proud to this day? Tell us about it.

Preview photo credit JodieFosterchild / Reddit


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