15+ Times People Found Real Treasures in Their Family Albums

year ago

Most of us have our pictures in digital format now. But nothing beats the experience of sitting with family or friends, dusting off an old photo album, and going through the printed images while reminiscing and laughing at the good old times.

Now I’ve Seen Everything gathered interesting pics that people have pulled out from their old photo albums, and they might inspire you to take a stroll down memory lane too.

1. “Tom Jones performing in Toronto, 1974. After the first pic, he kissed me. Then I told him it was my 16th birthday.”

2. “My second cousin was Tom Cruise’s prom date.”

3. “A lifelong Marvel nerd, my father at age 15 meeting Stan Lee in 1975”

4. “My dad used to look like Ashton Kutcher in That ’70s Show.”

5. “My mom snapped this pic of John Travolta at the Indy 500 after my aunt screamed his name to get him to look their way.”

  • “They didn’t know they got a perfect shot until the film was developed months later. This was taken in ’88 or ’89.” — BabyJiggles / Reddit

6. “My mum market shopping in Hong Kong in 1966.”

7. “My father and I carrying the 1984 Olympic torch”

8. “Muhammad Ali came to my family’s home for dinner in 1970.”

9. “My mother at 17. This was her senior portrait. The lady loved her hair so much she took a bunch of pictures for her.”

10. “Here is my mother with Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker for the premiere of Star Wars in 1977.”

11. “My friend was a production assistant on The Empire Strikes Back. Here he is on the set in 1979.”

  • “He never smiled for on-set photos because he was afraid if he showed how excited he was, he’d get fired.” — reubal / Reddit

12. “My grandparents’ honeymoon in Switzerland, 1946.”

13. “My dad in the early ’80s”

14. “My acrobatically-skilled grandfather lifting my mother in 1958”

15. “My aunt and my mom being told that my grandma was pregnant (1955).”

16. “My grandmother and John Candy, the actor from Home Alone

  • “She was a secretary for the accounting firm that handled his finances. This was in August 1988.” — rtisdell88 / Reddit

17. “My grandmother holding a snake, 1941. This picture was in her high school newspaper and got her expelled.”

18. “My dad was a pop star in Argentina. Here he is with Ella Fitzgerald. (Circa mid-1960s)”

19. “My dad and his beloved pet duck, which he raised from an egg (1994).”

What’s your favorite childhood memory? Do you enjoy going through old photos? Drop your greatest one in the comments!

Preview photo credit KaleRevolutionary / Reddit


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