Our lives are full of such unusual coincidences. For example, once a person was looking at a museum collection of teapots and suddenly noticed that the one from the early 1800s had their full name on it! The odds of that happening were obviously very low, but such unbelievable situations do occur from time to time.
We at Now I’ve Seen Everything found 19 photos that will make you question reality.
- “All rainbows are circles, you just can’t see all of them at the same time unless you’re in this type of situation. To top it off, they’re usually double rainbows too.” © dragon1n68 / reddit
“Today my friend accidentally dressed like a mannequin at the street market.”
“The butterfly hat I bought today attracted an actual butterfly.”
“My dog yawned at the exact moment I took a photo of him in front of the graffiti that looks like him.”
“Went to buy something off FB marketplace and the neighbors had the same cars that I have.”
“Outhouse at the end of a rainbow.”
“2 ducks standing on a submerged log looks like they’re standing on the surface of the water.”
“Found a doppelganger at the dog beach.”
“A vibrant and clear spectrum of colors refracting through my apparently prismatic window onto my arm.”
“A coffee stain that looks like Earth.”
“This rat snake has a mouse pattern on its head.”
“The sun on my window made a rainbow that’s split in half by my chair leg.”
“My puppy kinda looks like this mug my parents have had for almost 20 years.”
“Neighbor’s brush fire last night. Only saw it because the power went out. A dragon floating around the mountain.”
“I found my doppelgänger on a thrifted T-Shirt, 2,700 miles away!”
“One of my leopard tortoise’s scutes looks like a heart.”
“The way the paint dried in this old bottle looks like a tidal wave.”
“A cicada on my cicada tattoo.”
“Baby bird in the mouth of a wolf statue at my university.”
What unexpected coincidences have you found? Share your stories and photos with us!