There was a time when teenagers below me blasted hard rock so loudly it shook things off my counter. I asked them to turn it down and they didn't. So I blasted Ode to Death twice and the sound issue was solved. I don't call police.
A Man Revenged on a Shrewd Way on Neighbors Who Tortured Everyone With the Noise Every Night
Having annoying neighbors can be a real headache. Whether it’s loud music, constant construction noise, or inconsiderate behavior, it can make living next door a challenge. Pets that won’t stop barking or neighbors who don’t take care of shared spaces can add to the frustration. A Reddit user recounted their experience, sparking numerous comments. It’s worth mentioning that some individuals deemed their approaches as quite extreme and put forth alternative solutions to address the issue.
“My neighbors had a house reconstruction, but they always chose the most nightmarish time to do it, aka in the middle of the night. I couldn’t understand why at every 11pm, they would drill and hammer the hell out of their walls. This went on for weeks and I often came to class dog-tired due to being sleep deprived. That’s why all of my finals that semester were terrible.”

“I tried to speak to them and negotiate the time when they could do their renovation without messing up their neighbor’s sleep. However, they didn’t comply even though I had had the police work with them. On the contrary, they drilled even louder, disturbing all surrounding neighborhoods. The worst part is that despite that I had literally begged those folks to have at least considered and had a civil conversation with me and all other neighbors, they shut us all out, refusing to compromise in the slightest.”
“So during the summer, I decided to move all of my drum kits to the balcony, and at exactly 11 pm every day I would make sure to play my loudest beats on the same floor of their bedroom. It was only a matter of time when they decided to report me to the police; however, they couldn’t expect that those were the same officers that I called during the construction shenanigans and that they even secretly gave me a thumbs up and asked me ’not disturb the other neighbors and only annoyed these 2 people’.”

“Just to clarify, the drum session happens more than a month after the construction. This was the time when the other neighbor’s house went on holiday so I kinda want to take advantage of this time. Real estate related but our neighborhood is kinda weird where every 3 houses would share the same patch of land, and there will be a driveway road between every group of 3 house patches. So I am pretty sure I only annoy the ones next to my house because none of my neighbors ever made a complaint, unlike with the construction, and my drums weren’t loud as their drills for sure. I just made it loud enough to disturb their night as they, the people who have turned my entire circadian hour to 3 am now, have done with mine.
Moreover, my balcony kinda faces their bedroom windows and they had tried to speak to me directly through it many times, so I wore sunglasses and headphones to show them that I didn’t want to talk to them when I was playing the drums.”
Although most users approved of the “avenger’s” action and shared how they had acted similarly, there were also those who sided with the noisy neighbors or criticized the methods used by the topic starter.
- Awful downstairs neighbors, so I’d invite people over and just dance/stomp on the wooden floors whenever they would get loud. © TheHazyBotanist / Reddit
- Years ago, I had a young neighbour who used to hammer his dance music on Sunday mornings for some reason. I looked through my cd collection and decided maybe my neighbour would enjoy some Sepultura. Surprisingly, they didn’t seem to want to listen and left the house to go out. Didn’t get any Sunday dance sessions either after that. © FrankyFistalot / Reddit
- I had a similar issue with neighbors working on a remodel project late at night. I asked them nicely and they basically told me to go pound sand. Instead of Black Sabbath, I made a Mix CD of Yoko Ono songs. It only took one Sunday to play it on repeat at full volume (lots of distortion) while I went out to watch a couple of football games at the local pub. As soon as I pulled into my parking spot, they were outside the door to meet me and willing to negotiate a peace agreement. © xboxgamer2122 / Reddit
- I did that once. A gf lived in an apartment. The female in the apartment next door would blast loud music late at night. We asked her nicely many times, to no avail. She was a night owl. We were early morning risers. What a coincidence when, at 6:00 am, my Marshall stack ended up 2″ from her wall, aimed at her wall, all the knobs dimmed. The Star Spangled Banner is such a fitting song for early morning inspiration, innit? © Butforthegrace01 / Reddit
Not only repairs or loud music can disturb neighbors from living peacefully, but also pets that haven’t been trained to behave properly.
- My neighbors would leave their dogs out all night and ignored them barking, some nights until 1 am, then they’d start again at 6:30. My husband started blasting “Who Let the Dogs Out” on a loop while we were at work. He would only do this on the day following the barking. It took a little while, but now we can sleep through the night. © MsFloofNoofle / Reddit
- Old Dutch neighborhood here — houses stacked against each other — downstairs neighbors are awesome, downstairs, upstairs neighbors are old enough to not really hear much, upstairs neighbors on the other side — thumping around and slamming doors randomly at 2-3am. I’m a pastry chef so I get up at 4am and make sure the washing machine really needs to do its 2 hour magic that’s right against their bedroom wall. © Tank-Pilot74 / Reddit
- My cousin had neighbors like this. His solution? Went to the airport and recorded jets taking off. Made a loop and played it non stop to get his message across. © Unknown author / Reddit
Although the proximity of neighbors and the sound transmission in old houses can be a problem, sometimes you still want to live in them as they look so good in the urban landscape.
- Maybe some people, like myself, work at odd hours,10-12pm until 5-9am depending on the day, and are awake those same hours on off-days. I’m not going to do renovations in my home during my regularly scheduled sleep hours. Should I be allowed to grumble at my neighbors for mowing the lawn at 10am because I’m sleeping? Of course not! Neither should you complain. Life doesn’t take breaks for sleep schedules, neither should anyone else because of theirs. © PD_Legend / Reddit
Sometimes it may seem like knocking on the wall or blasting your own music at full volume is teaching noisy neighbors a lesson, giving them a taste of their own medicine. But this can create mutual tension between both parties over a long period of time. Sometimes it’s easier to solve problems with a small renovation using noise-reducing materials.
- You really think your other neighbors appreciated the drums? Don’t edit saying all your other neighbors were on vacation because we all know that is ridiculous. © rudbek-of-rudbek / Reddit
- Imagine working all day, and getting home to work on your home renovations during the only spare time you have. Then you talk to the police that are called on you and decide to try your best to speed up the project so that it doesn’t disturb your neighborhood for much longer, albeit may be a bit louder but you’re trying to be less of an inconvenience in the long run. Then your neighbor pulls this thinking they’re clever. © TheRealSymonne / Reddit
If you’re lucky, you might have neighbors with good humor. Having neighbors like that can turn everyday stuff into something fun and make living next to each other a lot better. But not only can neighbors be a bit annoying sometimes, but also our beloved people who we live with can have disturbing habits. Luckily, our love outweighs their shortcomings.

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