“Are You Still Alive?” Alicia Silverstone Made Fans Worried After She Tasted Unknown Berry

week ago

Alicia Silverstone, the well-known actress from Batman & Robin, recently shared a video on social media that left her fans feeling uneasy. In the video, she’s seen eating an unfamiliar berry, but she didn’t specify what it was. This sparked concern among her followers, with many questioning whether the berry was safe to eat. Fans quickly urged her to be cautious, expressing their worries in the comments.

The actress opted to sample a berry she spotted growing along the roadside.

In a recent video on social media, Silverstone shared her adventurous spirit as she chomped down on a peculiar fruit she stumbled upon while walking the streets of England. She encouraged her followers to help her figure out what it was, stating, “It was on the street, and we were debating if this was a tomato or not. It’s definitely not, given these leaves,” while showcasing the mysterious plant.

Fans were quick in reacting.

Some fans were quick to guess what kind of berry Alicia was eating, “It’s a Jerusalem cherry .. Solanum pseudocapsicum .. it’s an ornamental so don’t eat anymore.” One more person expressed other suggestion, “It’s a cherry tomato in Australia.”

While others showed concern about whether it was safe like, “Are you still alive Alicia?” and “Can someone check on Alicia to see if she’s okay!?”

A few even added some sarcastic comments, making jokes about the situation, “Imagine looking outside your window and Alicia Silverstone is eating your plants.”

The mix of reactions shows how much her post got people talking.

The actress updated the fans on her well-being.

The actress didn’t provide an update until the next day, heightening the worries of her followers. “Can someone tag me when we know she’s OK?” asked a concerned user. The clip also made its way to Instagram, where fans expressed similar unease. One follower urged, “Stop eating fruits from unknown sources, ma’am.”

The 47-year-old actress reassured her followers on both Instagram and TikTok, declaring, “Alive and well! Don’t worry... I didn’t swallow.”

Some fans expressed their relief and the way they were worrying.

While Silverstone may have sought a fun moment of exploration, her fans are clearly hoping she sticks to safer snacking in the future!

Alicia Silverstone is one of the most beloved stars from the ’90s, cherished by fans around the world. It’s always exciting to see how our favorite celebrities from the past have changed and what they’re up to now. Watching them continue to grow and take on new adventures keeps fans connected and curious about their lives today.


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