My Husband’s Cruel Words During My Pelvis Recovery Exposed a Deeper Break

9 months ago

Scars are more than just visible traces on our skin. They also reflect our previous experiences, our challenges, and our strength. They are part of our identity and our achievements. But people have different views on scars. Some people may see them as attractive, motivating, or fascinating. Others may see them as unpleasant, upsetting, or repulsive. And some people may have a very bad reaction to them, such as revulsion, terror, or sympathy.

How to cope with a spouse who is repulsed by your scars.

It can be very painful when your spouse is disgusted by your scars. You may feel unwanted, unloved, or worthless. You may doubt if your spouse still cares for you, if they find you appealing, or if they want to remain with you. You may feel furious, unhappy, or cheated.

If this is what you are going through, you have company. Many people have dealt with similar difficulties after living through accidents, injuries, surgeries, or illnesses that gave them noticeable scars. And many of them have discovered how to manage and mend their relationships.

Here are some tips on how to handle a husband who is disgusted by your scars:

  • Talk to each other openly and honestly. Don’t keep your feelings inside or ignore your spouse. Share your emotions and your needs with them. Hear their emotions and worries as well. Try to see their point of view and why they feel that way. Don’t be harsh, blameful, or negative to each other. Instead, be compassionate, supportive, and comforting to each other. Get professional help if you need it.
  • Learn more about yourself and your spouse. Sometimes, people have bad reactions to scars because they are not familiar with them, or they have wrong ideas about them. Find out more about your situation and how it impacts you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Tell your spouse this information and help them see what you are facing. Fix any false or harmful beliefs they may have about scars or people with scars. Show them that scars are not something to feel ashamed or scared of, but something to respect and celebrate.
  • Love your scars. Don’t cover your scars or let them limit you. Instead, accept them and love them. They are part of your history and your identity. They show your power and your bravery. They are signs of your survival and your healing. Find ways to show your gratitude and admiration for your scars. You can do this by wearing clothes or accessories that show them, by taking pictures or making art of them, by writing or speaking about them, or by joining a support group or a community of people with scars.
  • Restore your intimacy. Scars can impact your self-worth and your confidence. They can also influence your spouse’s attraction and passion for you. This can result in a lack of intimacy and closeness in your relationship. To overcome this, you need to work on repairing your faith and your connection with your spouse. You can do this by spending quality time together, by doing things that you like, by giving and receiving compliments and affection, by trying new ways of being intimate, and by getting counseling or therapy if needed.
  • Get help from others. You don’t have to face this alone. You can contact your family, friends, or other people who care about you and who can give you emotional, practical, or financial support. You can also get help from professionals, such as doctors, therapists, counselors, or coaches, who can give you medical, psychological, or relational advice. You can also join online or offline groups, forums, or networks of people who have similar experiences or challenges as you and who can give you peer support, guidance, or resources.
  • Think positively. It may be tough to see the good side of things when you are facing such a hard time. But try to remember that your scars and your relationship are not everything in life. There are many things that you can still find joy, gratitude, and hope in. There are many things that you can still accomplish, learn, and succeed in. There are many things that you can still thank, celebrate, and smile about. Try to focus on the positive aspects of yourself, your spouse, your relationship, and your life. This will help you manage better and feel more optimistic.

Remember, scars are not imperfections or faults. They are signs of beauty and courage. They are not hindrances or problems. They are connections and possibilities.

They are not causes to break or damage your relationship. They are causes to develop and improve your relationship. You and your spouse can conquer this difficulty and become stronger and happier than ever. All you need is love, patience, and communication.

By the way, speaking of scars, take a look at these 10 celebrities who have unusual body features we didn’t see before.


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