16 Pictures That Will Make You Doubt Everything You Ever Knew

9 months ago

While nobody likes to be deceived in their everyday life, there are some forms of deception that are more welcome than others. For example, someone might see a glass that looks like it contains orange juice when in reality it is full of painted water. Of course, drinking that glass would be unpleasant to say the least, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. We have compiled many more similar examples that will at first trick your eyes.

1. Fried chicken or calcite?

2. “This wilted flower looks like the eggplant emoji.”

3. Teeth? No, bell peppers.

4. “My one dog looks like my other dog’s shadow.”

5. “A notepad made from thin sheets of wood”

6. “I found a rock that looks like a piece of pie.”

7. “My local grocery store has a display space that looks like a truck broke through the wall.”

8. Just a veggie duck posing for Instagram.

9. “A rock that looks like a hawk and a small nest”

10. “A full-size baby human.”

11. “My mom grew a giant yellow cucumber.”

12. This Tesla charger is set up like a vintage gas pump.

13. “Had to stop my wife from drinking this orange juice.”

14. “The center of the log I was splitting looks like a cat.”

15. “The chip in this window resembles a cat’s face.”

16. “My toothpaste came out looking like a nose.”

Sometimes ordinary things don’t look like their usual self and disguise themselves into completely different things. It’s like these hyperrealistic cakes that you don’t believe are edible until you cut them up.

Preview photo credit westsidefashionist / Reddit


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